Monday, July 20, 2009

Going Irish

This week I have been staying in a Christian Guest House with a team from an Irish girl's school. Last night they invited me to join their quiet time, and I discovered once again that when we are in God's Word, we have the same heart. There are about twenty girls, and a hand full of counselors, one of which is the president of the school. As I listened to their quiet time, I could see that many of these girls already have such a great heart for Jesus and God's Word, and it was a blessing.

Today, I'm working on editing the second in a series of Christian television shows. The first was televised yesterday. It's so cool to be a part of reaching even more people through that medium. Who knew? Yesterday (or so it seems) a graphic designer, today a tool in God's Kingdom and loving it!



Joe Hendricks said...

I know you will be a lifelong inspiration to those students!

Auntie E said...

Great work you do. What a joy to work for the Lord and see His glorious Hand in everything.