This morning I got up early and attended a prayer breakfast here in Uganda. About twenty-five or thirty people attended, one of which is a member of Parliament. We had a discussion afterward about her district in the northwest regions of Uganda, and her dream to start vocational training there, because there are no jobs for the people who actually finish high school level. Unemployment is still extremely high.
My next conversation was with an old friend, a respected Ugandan businessman. We discussed ideas for improving agriculture, and finding retired teachers to donate time to come and teach in Uganda. Lately, there has been little rain, and people who do not live in the cities are going hungry.
Driving around Kampala and visiting old friends reminds me how much I care about what happens here, and indeed in every country where there are people struggling to live out each day in good health and peace. I cannot help but lay my life down again to do whatever work God puts before me.